What's On
Join us for a delightful Devonshire tea experience at Strathdon House and Orchard Precinct.
  • Adult
  • Workshops
Be inspired by the beautiful gardens and natural surroundings at Strathdon House and Orchard Precinct while learning how to paint nature with watercolour.
  • Adult
  • Course
This latest exhibition by local artist Echo Wu employs traditional Chinese ink brush painting to evoke the vast grandeur of the Australian landscape.
  • Art Exhibition
  • Free
This new body of work by Iranian Australian artist Niloufar Lovegrove responds to the enduring courage of the women in Iran and throughout the world who continue pursue their freedom, and like the cypress tree stand tall and resilient.
  • Art Exhibition
  • Free
This exhibition showcases a vibrant collection from the Museum of Indonesian Arts Inc, featuring textiles, sculptures
  • Art Exhibition
Learn to prepare pulp, form and press sheets, and finish your own handmade paper.
  • Adult
  • Sustainability
  • Workshops
Take advantage of this all-day intensive oil painting workshop, with our award winning tutor Swathi.
  • Adult
  • Workshops
Culture Fest is your ticket to connect, participate, and learn while enjoying the vibrant mix of cultures that call our community home.
  • Concert
  • Cultural Diversity Week
  • Family

Venues & Festivals across Creative Whitehorse

The City of Whitehorse is one of the most dynamic art and cultural hubs in metropolitan Melbourne. There’s something for everyone – exhibitions, music, theatre, heritage, and art and craft.

Creative Whitehorse: connecting you to a creative community. 

A gallery hosting curated exhibitions on contemporary subjects, with invited artists and works from its fine collection.
Our well-loved community arts centre, with excellent, accessible term/holiday programs and topical exhibitions.
A historic building hosting events of all sizes: with a stage, catering facilities, hireable spaces and amenities.
Historic cottage and museum complex surrounded by hectares of bushland, open weekends and available for school tours.
A heritage building and vast green space, host to classes, events and sustainability-focussed programs for all ages.
Festivals are one of the most loved programs in the City of Whitehorse, with over 45,000 people attending annually.