
Do you have broken items sitting around your house, that with a simple repair would be given a new lease of life? Bring them along to the Repair Café and find out how you can get involved.

Each year, tons of household items end up in landfill, simply because they are broken. Repair Cafés try to fix broken items so they can continue to be used for years to come.

At the healthAbility Repair Café, our skilled repairers will try to repair your broken item and where possible show you how these types of repairs are done, so you can learn new skills and share this knowledge with others. While you're there, you can enjoy a cuppa and chat with others in a relaxed, social environment.  

Where: Strathdon House Orchard Precinct, 449-465 Springvale Road, Forest Hill VIC
When: The second Saturday of each month from 10am-2pm (excluding January)

Volunteer Repairers: Our dedicated volunteers will be on hand from 10am to 2pm, providing expertise in the following repair services:

  • Electronic Repairs 
  • Electrical Repairs
  • Garment (Sewing, Patching) Repairs
  • Furniture Repairs
  • Wooden Toys & Wooden Product Repairs
  • General Odd Job Repairs
  • Garden Tools Sharpening
  • Picture Frame Repairs*
  • Bike Repairs

Important: Please check our healthAbility Repair Café Facebook group before each session for updates and information, including which repairers are rostered for the next Café (i.e. bike repairers, clock cleaners), and notification of changes or cancellations due to extreme weather etc.


Stewart Blair, Manager Repair Café

Official Opening in April 2024

On Saturday 13 April, we were delighted to celebrate the official opening of the healthAbility Repair Cafe Whitehorse!

As well as celebrating the success of the Repair Cafe so far, the event was a chance to thank the team of expert repairers who volunteer their time each month and acknowledge the support we receive from Whitehorse City Council and partners such as the Rotary Club of Box Hill Central.

Joining us at the opening were several special guests, including healthAbility CEO Agata Jarbin, healthAbility Board Chair John Rasa, Michael Sukkar MP, Member for Deakin, Whitehorse City Council Mayor Denise Massoud, and Whitehorse Councillors Mark Lane and Andrew Munroe, along with many healthAbility and Whitehorse staff and members of the public.

To conclude the formal proceedings, Agata Jarbin and Denise Massoud declared the Repair Cafe officially open by unbuttoning a special 'Repair Ribbon' that had been sewed together using pieces of donated fabric.

Incredibly, since its commencement in August 2023, the Repair Cafe has already saved just over 1 tonne of items from landfill, including wooden toys, bikes, furniture, electrical appliances, clothing, and picture frames.

During this time, we have also welcomed over 400 visitors to the Repair Cafe, demonstrating the Cafe's success not only as a valuable service promoting sustainability but as an important hub for social connection and community. 


See photos from the event here


Large group of people in front of a shed.