Courses & Workshops

Strathdon House & Orchard Precinct offers a diverse range of workshops, term courses and runs a comprehensive School Holiday Program.

Check out the many different programs on offer.


Our vision is to create a vibrant precinct that celebrates Whitehorse’s rich history and empowers a healthy and sustainable future for our community. 

Strathdon House provides opportunities for our community to relax, enjoy and play in nature. We also offer a program of workshops and events focusing on environmental sustainability, health, and wellbeing. The venue has indoor and outdoor areas, a nature play area, and a Kitchen Garden with several vegetable garden beds. 

Guided Tours 

While there are interpretive signboards located in strategic areas on site for a self-guided visit, we welcome individuals and groups to come in for a personally guided tour. In this guided tour, we will bring visitors around the site while providing interesting historical information about the site and the past orchardist families. 

Please contact us directly to arrange a booking. Tour groups of up to 12 people at a time. Tour times take approximately 30–45 minutes. 


Do you have a passion for gardening, sustainability, local heritage or health and well-being?

Would you like to give back to the community, share your interests and make new friends?

Volunteering at Strathdon House and Orchard Precinct provides opportunities to engage with your community and share your skills. Volunteers work with our friendly and supportive team to take part in a variety of roles according to their interests, including Garden Volunteer, Front of House Volunteer and Heritage Volunteer. 

Garden Volunteers 

Join our friendly garden crew in the beautiful, edible and decorative gardens at Strathdon House. No experience? No problem! Our helpful team will show you the ropes. Volunteers help plant, maintain and harvest the vegetable and herb crops. 

Front Of House Volunteers 

Help maintain the warm and welcoming atmosphere at Strathdon House and Orchard Precinct. Front of House Volunteers chat to visitors, assist the team with day-to-day tasks and help out at a variety of fun and interesting events. 

Heritage Volunteers 

Undertake ongoing research around items in the Strathdon House and Orchard Precinct Collection and work with the Precinct Coordinator to present public displays at events such as Heritage Week.

Kitchen Garden

Whitehorse City Council has a commitment to increasing healthy eating through information, and opportunities for the community to consume, cook, share, and grow food.

The Kitchen Garden here comprises several vegetable garden beds and wicking beds of varying sizes and heights to cater for use by the community of different age groups (including children) and abilities. We have seasonal planting and harvesting activities where volunteers and members of the community are invited to participate. The Kitchen Garden harvested produce, is also used for our cooking workshops.

We are actively looking for more participation in our kitchen garden. If you are an organisation, school, or individual who would like to utilise our garden for programs or workshops, please get in touch with us at 

Arty Parties for Kids

Are you looking for a fun and creative party for your child and friends? 

Strathdon House and Orchard Precinct with indoor and outdoor spaces including a nature-play area is the perfect place for an Arty Party for your child and friends. We can organise drawing, painting, craft work, and nature-treasure hunts designed for kids between ages 6 and 12 years.  You can book a private Arty Party with your own friends and we’ll set it up for you with all materials supplied! 

We can accommodate 4 – 15 children depending on the type of art activity. Contact us for more details and prices.

Transforming Strathdon House: Where historic roots meet a sustainable future.

Construction workers cutting wood in front of a brick cottage

Strathdon House and Orchard Precinct, has a rich history dating back to the 1890s. 

black and white photo of Strathdon house