Box Hill Community Arts Centre acts as home to many regular hire groups, ranging from Art and Craft, Performing Arts, Community and Special Interest groups.
Click on the tabs above to find out more about the groups at Box Hill Community Arts Centre.
For further information telephone the Centre on 9895 8888 or email

Kumon Box Hill
Kumon is an after school-learning program for children, where they study English and Mathematics on a daily basis. Kumon is an individualised learning method.
Through the program they aim to foster sound, capable individuals who are able to independently carve out a path for themselves, with emphasis on life skills including confidence, self-learning and speed.
The classes are on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 4pm – 7pm.
Contact name: Jianbin Wang
Contact phone: 0421 214 669
Box Hill Hand Spinners and Weavers Inc.
The group meets each Wednesday evenings 7.30pm – 9.30pm and Thursday mornings 10am – 2pm to share skills and ideas in the art of hand spinning and weaving using a variety of natural and man-made fibres. New members welcome.
Contact name: Frances Griffiths
Eastern Suburbs Scale Modelling Club
Eastern Suburbs Scale Modelling Club consists of a group of people involved in the hobby of building scale models of any subject and from any kind of material. Meetings are conducted in a casual and friendly format that encourages members to display their work and seek advice on improving their skills in a non-competitive and non-critical environment. Other activities include visits to model shows, museums and other places of interest related to the hobby. New members and visitors are warmly welcomed.
Contact Name: Roger Trewenack
Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria
The Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria Inc. aims to foster and support the practice of and interest in needlework with particular emphasis on needlepoint tapestry. The guild promotes the creative crafts of needlepoint tapestry and other stitchery through exhibitions, demonstrations, classes and workshops. Saturday sit and stitch 8.30am – 3pm. Bring your current project and join us. Find us on Facebook.
Contact name: Frances Griffiths
Papermakers of Victoria – Paper Arts
The group meets on a Saturday of every second month at Box Hill Community Arts Centre. We provide mutual support and inspiration for all who are interested in making paper and paper arts in general, e.g. handmade artist books, printing, folding, collage, paper sculpture.
Visit their website for more information about our group, including meeting dates, workshops and group exhibitions.
Contact name: Rosalind Price
Instagram: @papermakers_of_victoria
Facebook: @PapermakersofVictoria
Russian Ethnic Representative Council
This group meets for social and recreational activities and provides moral support to relieve isolation.
Contact name: Marina Yurgaeva
Contact phone: 03 9415 6899
Brotherhood Karyas Olympou
This group is a non-profit organisation with the purpose of keeping in contact with other members of the community who have a common background, having migrated from a small village in Greece.
Contact name: George Zygouris
Contact phone: 0431 536 001
Hispanic Society of Victoria
The main aim of this organisation is to promote Hispanic culture and language within communities in Victoria for people with Hispanic, Australian and other backgrounds.
Their central activity consists of monthly meetings called ‘Tertulias’ (social and cultural gatherings), which generally have a nationality theme and/or a particular topic of interest, always related to the Hispanic culture. Please visit the website above for more information, photos and event details.
Performing Arts
Box Hill Chorale
Widely regarded as one of Victoria’s leading community choirs, the Box Hill Chorale performs regularly throughout the year, often accompanied by professional orchestras. Under the direction of award-winning conductor Andrew Wailes, the choir rehearses Mondays from 7.45pm-10pm (except public holidays) in the Arbour. New members welcome. No formal auditions but some previous experience preferred.
Contact name: Lorraine Walker
Contact phone: 0408 203 080
MAKA Dance Melbourne
Founded by Matt and Karla Rooke, renowned multiple Australian Champions and international dance stars, MAKA Dance Melbourne brings their passion for dance to our community. Join us for a diverse range of ballroom and Latin dance classes for all ages, starting from 6 years old and up!
Contact Name: Matt and Karla Rooke,
Contact Phone: 0412712260
Melbourne Ai-Yue Choir
Members from this senior citizens’ group are from various parts of Asia and enjoy singing as a hobby. Group members also further their knowledge of music with professional guidance. They offer free concerts to residents of age care hostels and other public functions.
Contact name: Nadia Chin
Contact phone: 9816 9340
Melbourne Taiwanese Ladies Association
This choir group rehearses at the Box Hill Community Arts Centre every Thursday from 1pm–3pm. Members learn and practise traditional and modern Chinese songs and also hold community performances during the year. To express interest in joining, please contact Amy Hao on the details below.
Contact name: Amy Hao
Contact phone: 0400 689 878
Taiwanese Women’s Dancing Club
This group learns and practices traditional, modern Taiwanese and line dancing. They meet every Tuesday 9.30am – 11.30am in the Arbour Hall.
Contact name: Pauline Wang
Contact phone: 0410 683 316
The Boite
Turning 40 in 2019, The Boite is Victoria’s iconic multicultural music presenter. With an annual concert program of sublime music from diverse cultural genres, The Boite invites music lovers into a space where art embraces difference and becomes the language of understanding. Box Hill Community Arts Centre hosts a monthly series of eight Boite concerts that take listeners around the globe in an evening.
Contact name: The Boite
Contact phone: 9417 1983
The Melbourne Chinese Choir
The Melbourne Chinese Choir comprises a diverse group of performers. Through music we pride ourselves in promoting, embracing and celebrating the Chinese culture. Established in 1991, the choir seeks to foster an appreciation of contemporary and traditional Chinese folk music, actively participating in local community festivals and concerts.
They welcome new members to join our weekly rehearsals every Friday night 7.30pm – 9.30pm in the Drycraft East Studio.
Some choir experience is preferred but not essential.
Contact name: William Lai
Contact phone: 0430 164 188
Whitehorse Orchestra
Whitehorse Orchestra, one of Melbourne’s finest community orchestras, enjoys the leadership of Musical Director, Gerald Keuneman, OAM, the honour having being awarded in recognition of his dedication to community music. The orchestra rehearses on Saturdays from 9am to midday and presents several concerts, including some specifically designed for very young audiences, each year.
New members are always welcome, but there is a waiting list in some sections. Although the Orchestra has a non-audition policy, the music program can be quite challenging.
Contact name: Sally Dugan
Contact phone: 9898 6809
Recreation and Special Interests
Box Hill Community Gardeners
Providing garden beds for residents of the City of Whitehorse and surrounding areas to grow plants in a collaborative, sustainable atmosphere.
Contact name: Dennis
Contact phone: 0438527017
Hand Tool Preservation Association of Australia Inc.
Hand Tool Preservation Association of Australia, an incorporated not-for-profit organisation, has something to offer members and guests by encouraging these interests and perhaps reviving earlier memories. As a heritage group we provide a forum for discussing traditional tools and the way in which artisans of the past worked with these tools, recognising the skill and ingenuity of their efforts.
The HTPAA meet at Box Hill Community Arts Centre (BHAC) on the third Tuesday of alternate months, starting from January. Meetings usually have a speaker on a topic of interest to members, and guests are always welcome to attend.
Contact name: Charles Ronosulistyo
Contact phone: 9803 9871
Eckankar Society of Southern Australia
Eckankar is the Path of Spiritual Freedom. Eckankar Light and Sound Services are held on the first Sunday of the month at 11am. The service is preceded by a Sound of Soul HU Chant at 10.30am. All are welcome.
Contact name: John & Helen Besley
Contact phone: 0403 030 882
United Church of God
This church meets most Saturday afternoons at the centre. The group caters for both children and adults.
Contact name: William Eddington
Contact phone: 9879 8209
Visual Arts
Alcove Art Shop
Located within the Centre, The Alcove Art Shop invites you to come in and browse our quality, handmade gifts produced by talented Australian artisans. The Alcove is run by local artisans who are passionate about creating high quality artworks.
Our wide range of handmade items includes ceramics, woodwork, textiles, glass, jewellery and works on paper. Special events: Winter and Christmas.
Contact name: Alcove Art Shop
Contact phone: 9897 4400
Box Hill Art Group
Box Hill Art Group is all about fostering the art and joy of painting and drawing. It is ideal for everyone from beginners to experienced artists. They hold six classes a week during term time where experienced tutors guide you to better painting and drawing at your own pace. Classes are held both during the day as well as in the evenings and on Saturday afternoons.
The group also holds demonstrations, workshops, paint outs, competitions, exhibitions and life drawing sessions. Come along and paint with like-minded people. It’s a great way to relieve stress.
Contact name: Natalie Doubrovski
Contact phone: 0403 502 528
Box Hill Clayworkers
A group of experienced potters who meet on Thursdays in the Wetcraft Studio from 10am- 3pm during school terms. This creative group exchanges ideas, exhibits together and does the occasional community project. New member enquiries welcome.
Contact name: Wendy Smart
Contact phone: 9879 6431